Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Caring for Your Woodlands I: Essential Principles - Irvine

Penn State Cooperative Extension is proud to provide you with an opportunity to learn about sustainable forestry through our Caring for Your Woodlands I: Essential Principles course. This is a two-part course that is being offered near Irvine, PA. To complete the entire course, attendance at both evening sessions is necessary. The course includes both indoor lecture and outdoor discussions. This course will strengthen your knowledge of sustainable forest management. Without sustainable management forests will not provide future generations with the same quality resources we have today. A follow-up course entitled Caring for Your Woodlands II: Making Good Decisions will be offered in the future.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - Wednesday, August 7, 2013
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
335 National Forge Road
Irvine, PA 16329

Who is it for?
This course is designed for private forest landowners, professional timber harvesters, and sportsmen and women who are interested in learning more about sustainable forest management.

What are the goals of the course?
• Timber harvesting is not a random process
• Decisions to harvest are a partnership
• Timber harvesting needs to focus on the trees being left
• History has given us the current forest conditions
• Our actions create future forest conditions
Pre-registration is required!!Registration Fee: $20.00/person
Registration Deadline: Friday, July 26, 2013
Register online at:

What is sustainable forestry?
Sustainable forestry describes forest policies, practices, and market mechanisms designed to enhance ecological, economic, and social sustainability. Sustainable forestry meets the needs of the present while preserving options for future generations. It is our responsibility to provide future generations with healthy forests.

Everyone benefits from the perpetuation of a healthy forest and the wealth of life-enriching products derived from them. We should be leaving resources for our children and grandchildren. Sustainable forestry allows us to utilize resources now and make sure the resources are there for our future generations. Sustainable forestry promotes a healthy environment from which every living thing can benefit.

Come prepared to walk in the woods, rain or shine!

This workshop  has been approved for 8 hours (2 years) of PA SFI® Continuing Education (C.E.) credit. Individuals seeking C.E. credit must submit a completed Non-SFI Course C.E. credit form (this form may not be available at the training so you will need to print it out beforehand), a course agenda or certificate of completion, and a $20 administrative fee (Check made payable to “PA SFI SIC”) to the PA SFI office. Continuing Education credit can only extend your PA SFI Training Card expiration date by a maximum of 3-years from the current calendar year. Please refer to the PA SFI Training Policy for a complete description of the training program requirements.

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